Sunday, July 29, 2012

Oatmeal in Jars

So the cool thing to do is find recipes on Pinterest and #DIY, and that is just what I did. I found this neat 'oatmeal in jars' recipe to make a weeks worth of breakfast in 5 minutes, and this sure does come in handy if you're anything like me in the mornings. 
Check out this yummy treat and make a week of steel-cut oats in 5 Minutes

You'll need:
4 cups water
Large pinch salt
Milk or soy milk
Cinnamon or other spices
Raisins or other dried fruit
Walnuts or other nuts
Large saucepan

Ingredients1 2/3 cups steel-cut oats
Equipment5 pint-sized Mason jars with lids (I used wide-mouth jars)
1. Collect your jars and other equipment. I like pint-sized jars for this as they allow a little more room for adding nuts, raisins, and milk later. But you can also use half-pint jars.
2. Bring the oats, water and salt to a boil. Simmer for about 3 minutes then turn off the heat.
3. Ladle the oats and water into the jars. Cover the jars tightly with their caps and rings. Leave on the counter overnight. (This is how I make my oatmeal and I have had absolutely no problems with it, healthwise, but if for some reason you are not comfortable leaving hot oatmeal out overnight, you can also refrigerate the jars. The oatmeal won't be quite as well cooked in the morning; it will be a thinner, less creamy oatmeal. But it will still be fine.)
4. The next morning, put all but one of the jars in the refrigerator. Take the cap off one jar and stir up the oatmeal inside. Microwave for 2 to 3 minutes, or until quite hot. Add any milk, raisins, or other mix-ins. Enjoy!

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