Wednesday, September 6, 2017

come again.

it's been a while. a long while actually. over two years since I've written. Not written in totality, just on here...busy with life, busy with work. Instead of playing catch up, let's just start fresh here.

I'm going to try to hit up this space at least once a week.  It's crazy to me how the primary source of influence and 'blogging' now is on Instagram, no?

I'm debating to make my profile public for that purpose, but we shall see where it goes. In the mean time, just getting a feel here to see how many people take a view, a click, and ya know the drill :)

Write back soon... xo, Assunta

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Black or White...or Both?

This or that, or this or that...or both? I always have a hard time making up my mind when it comes to clothes, shoes, really anything at all. I take up waaaay too much time overanalyzing and thinking about nothing at all...which results to this blog post in fact.  I didn't want to take too much time myself deciding whether black or white, or I need your opinion :)

What do you think is reasonable? Black? White? And if it's a toss up, maybe I will just have to get both (oooopssies)

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

OMG, Best Beauty Hack for Full, THICK Lashes

Vavavoooom.  Baby powder (yes, powder for the baby tush) will lengthen and thicken your lashes? Say what? How so?   After applying a coat of mascara, use a cotton swab or a clean mascara brush to swipe a touch of powder on your lashes. Then apply your second coat of mascara and wow, voila! 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Makeup of the Day :: Feb 24

If you know me, I'm not one for when I have a few spare minutes in my morning routine, I apply a tadbit of makeup and you get a makeup of the day post. HA.

Typically, everyday, I tend to quickly slab on some under eye concealer (don't worry, those bags under my eyes are Prada) and a lil on some blemishes here and there.  Then sometimes, I add a bit of liner and always always curl my lashes and swipe on some mascara. Staples, m
y friend...concealer, mascara, and my fave...matte lipstick.

Before I go to bed, it's chapstick...waking up in the AM, it's lipstick. I love to always have something on my lips, that is when I can remember to apply and then re-apply.

Today? It's ELF Cosmetics Matte lipstick in Coral. I also have a handful of other hues, but this one is on my makeup vanity and in my you KNOW that means it's a must-have fave.

A photo posted by Assunta Catalano (@assunta_assunta) on

Monday, February 23, 2015

Grapefruit Curd Ice Cream

Author: Jennifer Farley via
Serves: about 3 cups

Grapefruit Curd:
2 whole eggs
3 egg yolks
1 cup sugar
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1¼ cup fresh squeezed grapefruit juice
4 ounces (1 stick) unsalted butter, cubed and at room temperature
optional: 1 drop each of pink and red food coloring

Curd Ice Cream:
1½ cup curd, chilled
1⅓ cup half and half, chilled
5 tablespoons confectioners sugar

To make the curd:
In a medium saucepan, whisk eggs, egg yolks and sugar together until smooth. Whisk the corn starch together with a bit of the grapefruit juice to create a slurry.
Whisk the grapefruit juice and slurry into the egg mixture.
Add the food coloring if using.
Continue to whisk over medium heat until thick, 10-15 minutes. It should be the consistency of pudding. Make sure the whisk hits the bottom of the pot to keep the bottom from burning. This is less likely to happen if you use a heavy bottom saucepan.
Remove from the heat and slowly whisk in pieces of the butter.
Move the curd to a bowl and allow to chill in the refrigerator. It will continue to thicken as it cools.
Store extra curd in the refrigerator with plastic wrap pushed directly against the curd to prevent a skin from forming.

To make the ice cream:
Whisk the curd and half and half together until well combined.
Sift in one tablespoon of confectioners sugar at a time while whisking.
Prepare according to your ice cream maker manufacturer's instructions.

Spring Suede Alert

Suede Trend
Suede so good, buttery smooth, suede is hot hot hot for spring 2015. The soft and delicate material has 
turned heads on the runway for Spring/Summer 2015 but the real head turner? The brightly colored suede
hues shown on gorgeous silhouettes.

Derek Lam, Jason Wu, Chloe, and Gucci are a few to name that sent suede on the 'in-trend' for this 
coming season, so if I were you...I'd grab a few suede staple pieces because needless to say, 
it's happening! And what's really great about this trend is that not only is it 'in' for spring summer 2015, 
but realistically, it can be worn all year round. Consider suede another seasonless fabric to work with...
now go run to get it and run with it!

Monday Motivation: Change your Perspectives

Goooood morning! Ugh, the dreaded Monday blues! Rught? NO. Dont do that yourself..put yourself with the average person with that perspective. Look at Monday as the day after your rest days of enjoying the weekend, the day of back to grinding towards your work, what your priorities are, a closer chance and opportunity to get closer to your goals and dreams.  
Monday: a day to start fresh, new and make up for any mistakes made last week. Time to up the anty my friends. happy Monday, have a kickass day and make it a kick ass week!